Frequently Asked Questions
‏Q: Why should I donate to the Foundation?
  • Many forces are straining our school district’s budget: ‏ • Our extraordinary schools have drawn attention to our community, leading to significantly higher enrollment. Enrollment has grown 169% since the formation of the Hoover City Schools District, yet our district has not received any additional funding for increased enrollment.
  •  Revenue per student has decreased from $13,715 to $13,036.
  • The district has continually experienced declining revenues from federal, local, state and other sources. The enduring success of our schools and students depends to a great extent on the continued, generous private support from the community. The combination of high enrollment and declining revenues make growth in Foundation support more critical than ever.
‏Q: Is the Foundation independent of the school system?

Yes, the Board functions independently of the school system, but always with the needs of the school system in mind. The Foundation Board is comprised of volunteers from the community who serve three-year terms.

‏Q: How are grants awarded to the schools?

Each spring, the Foundation issues a Request For Proposal (RFP) to the schools. Teachers at each of our schools submit their grant requests to the Foundation Board. These grant applications are reviewed and awarded based on many factors, including:

  1. does the request fall into one of the categories funded by the Foundation?
  2. ‏does the request impact a large number of students?
  3. ‏can the program be replicated in other schools?

‏Each year, the Foundation grants more than $30,000 to teachers for innovative ideas.


‏Q: I already give to my school’s PTO. Why should I give to the Foundation?

Hoover City Schools Foundation


‏The Foundation collaborates with parents, teachers and community members to raise money for the school district budget for enhanced curriculum, professional development and STEM projects. The PTOs collaborate with teachers and school administration at each schools to sponsor, fund and staff school enrichment activities.
‏The Foundation supports all 17 schools in the district. Our teachers grants are usually “testing grounds” for ideas that could be adopted districtwide. ‏The PTOs are focused on the extras at their individual school. Teacher appreciation, extra equipment, school-wide events, etc. These are all important needs, but very different from the focus of the Foundation.


‏Q: Isn’t the Foundation supported by an endowment? Can my donation really help?

Our teacher grants are made possible through the interest from a $500,000 endowment from Alabama Power. With the support of the community, the Foundation could do much more to help the district succeed. We have approximately 14,000 students in our district. If every student gave just $36 a year, we would raise $500,000. This money would be used to fund new school-wide and district-wide grants, filling gaps from reduced governmental funding.

‏Q: Is my donation to the Foundation tax deductible?

 The Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and contributions should qualify for charitable income tax deduction. Donors should contact their own tax advisor regarding individual situations.

‏Q: How do I get involved?

 We would love to have you join us, either as a Board member or as a Friend of the Foundation. Board member applications are accepted on a rotating basis, while Friends of the Foundation applications are open year-round.

‏Board Member FAQs
‏Q: What does it take to be an HCSF Board Member?

• Passion to make our schools better and improve student achievement and character
‏• Ability to generate funding through personal and business networks
‏• Willingness to share professional expertise with the Foundation
‏• Willingness to serve actively on two or more standing and/or ad hoc committees
‏• Active attendance at meetings every month
‏• Participation in school district and Foundation activities and events
‏• Willingness to serve a three-year term

‏Q: What are the responsibilities of Board Members?

• Understanding and promoting our mission
‏• Gaining a working knowledge of the organization’s programs and services
‏• Being a working member of at least two Board committees annually
‏• Assisting in membership development
‏• Advocating for the organization
‏• Helping to educate the community about the Foundation
‏• Actively participating in board meetings, annual Board retreats and annual meetings
‏• Reviewing Board meeting materials before the meeting

‏Q: How much time will my volunteer work demand?

Time Demands (approximate)
‏• Attending and actively participating in at least 75% of Board meetings in a 12-month period.
‏• Reviewing Board meeting materials prior to the meeting
‏• Meetings 2nd Friday of each month – 8:30 a.m. 
‏• Committee/work group: 1-2 hours per month or as needed
‏• Participation in events (time varies)
‏• Denim and Dining: planning, fundraising, logistics
‏• Other Foundation-sponsored program and fundraising events
‏• Active participation through letters, emails, social media, etc.
‏• Annual planning retreat: half-day in July
‏• Orientation for new Board members